Inventory of Kharkova trees

Inventory of Kharkiv trees with the help of GIS technologies is a project whose main goal is not only to collect the most accurate and detailed information about Kharkiv trees for further research and monitoring by specialists, but also to teach all willing city residents to use a professional tool for mapping greenery.
Tree inventory is such a large-scale project that it seems unlikely to carry it out, let alone keep the data up-to-date, without the involvement of volunteer communities. That is why learning a wide range of mapping with the help of the project tool (ArcGIS software) is a separate important part of the project.
Another important goal of the project is to prepare (as well as accumulate from other sources) data on trees for further effective work with these data of municipal authorities. In other words, the project is environmental, as it seeks to implement standards of transparency in the management of greenery, and thus to counteract abuse.
The project consists of:
– development of specialized forms of collecting information about trees in accordance with various requests (research, protection, identification tasks);
– development of visual materials needed for instructing and training project volunteers;
– web space for publishing the collected data (currently –;
– organization of events that allow to involve the public and support its interest in the project, as well as to involve public and professional communities (public campaign “Where is the tree – Kharkiv”).
A public campaign was chosen as a form of involving volunteers, the public and specialists. The format of the public campaign allows to offer associations to achieve a common goal of inventory to different stakeholders so that they maintain the independence of their own reputations, positions and ideas about effective ways to achieve goals.
You can view the collected data on Kharkiv trees here:
FB-page of the public campaign “Where is the tree – Kharkiv”: